[prin-suh-puh l] - A principle is a concept or value that is a guide for behavior or evaluation.
This office is unusual. Our work flows out of a personal and specific basis for our behavior. These principles were not produced by a profiteer or copied from another group or website. Our hope is that we will have the opportunity to serve you, not because we are exactly alike, but because we value you.

Golden Rule
We want to be treated well. Who doesn't? Therefore, we want to serve others well with care, grace, accountability, diligence, laughter, et cetera.
Dustin teaches his kids, "A person’s irresponsibility will become someone else’s responsibility." We want to be responsible and help others be responsible, too.

Our office will be clear. People need to know what to expect. While our work may seem complex, our clients need to be able to understand. If you do not understand as a client, please ask.
It should be assumed your trusted advisor is being candid. Trust and truth should go hand and hand.
The Truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.
- St. Augustine

We want to be caring, gracious, economic and kind. At the same time we need to be practical, ergo, we are not "politically correct." This allows us to consistently explore perspectives, facts and goals without ignoring obvious truths.
When necessary, we associate with other professionals thereby saving resources and arriving at peace of mind for the client. As a trusted advisor, on request we vet other professionals on the part of our clients.

All of the above principles emanate from my faith. C.S. Lewis said, "I believe in Christ, as I believe the sun has risen. Not because I see it, but by it, I see everything else." All of us, of whatever creed or background, are incredibly special as we are made in God's image. We are also bound to His incontrovertible natural law. Your true identity is not your title, position, who you know, what you have done, your networth or lack thereof. While not always attaining it, I aspire to the 1 Corinthians 10:31 principle.
- Dustin M. Hughes, JD